Balinese Massage

The Balinese massage in Paris

Massage Concept Paris, your massage parlor, invites you to discover the Balinese massage in Paris.

The Balinese massage relieves the body and the mind, bringing renewed energy. Stress and tensions are released, the reduction of muscle pain, and a great relaxation are felt. The body is revitalized.

Balinese massage is an ancestral and traditional practice from Bali, Indonesia, close to Indian and Asian well-being rituals. It is inspired by the harmony of three elements: water, air and fire. These natural forces represent the digestive system, the nervous system and the hormonal system. The Marmas triggers (vital points) on which the masseur focuses, will tone up, while relaxing the body.

Interested in Balinese Paris massage? Choose the specialist that suits you, discover the masseurs at the Massage Concept salon.

Are you two or a couple? Remember to book the duo room for a DUO massage!

The massages practiced by the Massage Concept Paris salon provide relaxation and well-being. No other type of service is offered.

More information

Place On the table in a massage room
Outfit In underwear (provided)
Organic oil Yes
Possible durations 45', 1h, 1h15, 1h30
Pressure On the table in a massage room
Prices Starting from 75 €
In each of our areas, enjoy a private shower before or after your massage.
Choose music from our playlists (jazz, lounge, relaxation ...) or connect your mp3.
Cons-indications Balinese massage can sometimes be contraindicated for certain pathologies or for pregnant women. Consult your doctor.
The Massage Concept tips With a light to deep pressure, the Balinese massage is ideal for regaining energy, a perfect remedy against fatigue.